
All project research data is held on the University of Glasgow Enlighten data repository and can be accessed and reused on a non-commercial (no profit) basis under a Creative Commons attribution 4.0 license agreement (CC-BY-4.0) using the DataCite DOI addresses below:

Policy and industry document analysis
This dataset includes a list of 114 analysed policy and industry documents analysed in Work Package 2 of the project and a hierarchical qualitative coding scheme of all open codes applied to them. The original documents were coded by Dr. Nathan Townsend and Dr. Matthew Hanchard. The list of documents is set out in a plain text document (.docx) which may be opened in any word processing software package, e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs. The coding scheme has been extracted from QSR NVivo 11 in XML format, and is accessible in any word processing package or integrated development environment (IDE) supporting XML.

Please cite this dataset as below:

Higson, A., Townsend, N., Smits, R., Merrington, P., Hanchard, M. , Forrest, D., Pidd, M., Wessels, B. and Yates, S. (2020). Beyond the Multiplex - Policy and Industry document analysis, University of Glasgow: Enlighten. DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.942.

Socio-cultural index (secondary analysis)
The project involved a combined analysis of two secondary data sets in work package 3 in May 2018. These were the Department of Digital, Culture, media and Sport (DCMS) ‘Taking Part’ (2017) and British Film Institute (BFI) ‘Opening Our Eyes’ 2011 surveys. The dataset include the R script for a hierarchical cluster analysis and latent class analysis of both datasets combined conducted by Professor Simeon Yates.

The DCMS ‘Taking Part’ survey was a one year of a longitudinal face-to-face household survey of adults who are aged 16 and over, and children aged 5 to 15 years old in England that has run since 2005. The adult data set has been used in the beyond the Multiplex analysis. The DCMS survey’s main objective was to provide a central, reliable evidence source of data to analyse cultural, sports and digital engagement, providing a clear picture of why people do or do not engage in various cultural activities. The survey collects data on engagement in the arts, museums and galleries, archives, libraries, heritage and sport. It includes information on frequency of participation, reasons for participating, barriers to participation and attitudes to cultural sectors, and it gathers information on demographics (e.g. age, education, income and socio-economic status). ‘Taking Part’ is designed to yield a representative sample of 10,000 adults aged 16+ who are normally resident in England. The data collected in 2016-2017 sample (N=10,171) is a mixed sample, evenly divided between fresh sample cases and re-interview cases. Beyond the Multiplex used the ‘Taking part’ survey data to model the latent classes of general arts and cultural attendance.

The BFI’s ‘Opening Our Eyes’ study (Northern Alliance and Ipsos MediaCT, 2011) had a mixed methods research design, composed of qualitative paired interviews, a survey, and case studies. Some of the data is publicly available, whilst sensitive data has been maintained by the BFI. Beyond the Multiplex draws solely on the publicly-available survey data which comprises 2,036 online self-completion questionnaires. The BFI survey sample is representative of 46 million UK individuals aged 15 to 74, and the online sample is comparable with offline UK samples both of the same age group and in terms of working status, income, marital status, children in household and the UK areas in which their respondents live.

Please cite this dataset as below:

Yates, S., Wessels, B. , Higson, A., Forrest, D., Pidd, M., Hanchard, M. , Merrington, P., Townend, N. and Smits, R. (2019) Beyond the Multiplex: R script for Latent Class Analyses. University of Glasgow: Enlighten. DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.879.

Semi-structured interviews with audience members
This dataset includes the anonymised transcripts for 200 interviews with audience members (in .docx) format, a classification sheet containing anonymised socio-demographic information about the 200 interviewed audience members, and a qualitative coding scheme of the interviews transcripts (in XML format).

The interviews were conducted by Dr. Peter Merrington, Professor Bridgette Wessels, Dr. Rosie Shute, Dr. Sarah Hargreaves, Helen Rana, Dr. Matthew Hanchard, and Liz Robson between November 2017 and April 2018. This included 50 interviews per studied English region. The interview questions garnered detail about participant introduction to film (which informs the Personal Journeys through film data visualisation), their film preferences, and when, where, how, and with whom they watch films. Also, how their film-viewing habits had changed over time. In short, the interview questions focussed on past practices and experiences, and the relations and interactions people had encountered within them through watching films.

The coding/analysis of interview transcripts was conducted by Dr. Matthew Hanchard, Dr. Peter Merrington, and Professor Bridgette Wessels between May 2018 and June 2019 using a form of applied thematic analysis. As the richest coding scheme, this dataset was used a base template for coding all other qualitative datasets in the project.

Please cite this dataset as:

Wessels, B. , Merrington, P., Hanchard, M. , Higson, A., Forrest, D., Pidd, M., Smits, R., Townsend, N. and Yates, S. (2019) Beyond the Multiplex - Audience Member Interview. [Data Collection]. DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.883.

Three-wave sample survey about film consumption
This dataset was comprised of a large sample survey with three waves spaced there months apart. The first wave was conducted in August 2018 by the Audience Agency, using a panel quota sample provided by ResearchNow. The first wave survey gathered N=5071 responses split evenly across the four English regions. The first wave survey questions covered film taste and preferences, when, where and with whom films had been watched over the last year to identify consumption patterns, providing detail on broader cultural activity participation.

The second wave survey, conducted in November 2018, followed a subset sample of respondents from survey wave one who had expressed a preference for - or had watched - a specialised film in the last year. The survey wave two questions asked respondents to name up to five films they had recently watched and then asked questions related to those films,, such as which film genre they felt it belonged to and what their experience of watching it had been like. Overall, survey wave two gathered n=547 responses.

The third wave survey, conducted in January 2019, followed the same subset sample of respondents from survey wave two, albeit survey wave two gained n=317 responses. The survey wave three questions mirrored those asked in survey wave two in order to provide a comparison over time.

All survey questions were designed by Professor Simeon Yates, Michael Pidd, Professor Bridgette Wessels, Dr. Peter Merrington, and Dr. Matthew Hanchard. Analyses across the survey abes conducted by Professor Simeon Yates, Dr. Matthew Hanchard, and Dr. Peter Merrington.

Please cite this dataset as below

Yates, S., Hanchard, M. , Merrington, P., Higson, A., Forrest, D., Pidd, M., Smits, R., Townsend, N. and Wessels, B. (2019). Beyond the Multiplex - Three-wave Survey. Enlighten: University of Glasgow. DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.884.

Interviews with industry and policy experts
This dataset includes the anonymised transcripts of 27 interviews with film policy and industry experts (in .docx) format and a qualitative coding scheme of the coded interviews transcripts (in XML format).

The interviews conducted by Dr. Roderik Smits in included input from film exhibitors, distributers and policymakers at both regional and national levels. The expert interview questions asked about the UK film industry over time and its current state. All expert interview transcripts were analysed by Dr. Matthew Hanchard and Dr. Peter Merrington through an applied thematic analysis using the qualitative coding scheme from the audience member interviews (discussed above) a baseline set of codes. The qualitive coding scheme developed thorough the analysis of interviews with industry and policy experts provides detail about the ways in which the landscape of UK film has changed over time.

Please cite this dataset available as below

Higson, A., Townsend, N., Smits, R., Merrington, P., Hanchard, M. , Forrest, D., Pidd, M., Wessels, B. and Yates, S. (2020) Beyond the Multiplex - Expert interview. Enlighten: University of Glasgow. DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.945

Film elicitation focus groups
This dataset includes the focus group transcripts, classification sheet containing socio-demographic information about each anonymised participant qualitative coding scheme generated through sixteen film-elicitation focus groups conducted between September 2018 and November 2018 - with four in each studied English region.

In each film elicitation group, participant were shown a selection of four film clips )each lasting between six and eleven minutes). This included clips from two foreign language and two British specialised film titles that had been shown in UK independent cinemas in the last year. Across the focus groups, the total of all clips were taken from a selection of eight film titles: In the groups participants watched and discussed extracts from four of eight films:

  • I, Daniel Blake (2016) directed by Ken Loach,
  • Things to Come (2017) directed by Mia Hansen-Løve
  • Call Me By Your Name (2017) directed by Luca Guadagnino
  • Dark River (2017) directed by Clio Barnard
  • God’s Own Country (2017) directed by Francis Lee
  • Loveless (2017) directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev
  • The Eagle Huntress (2016) directed by Otto Bell
  • Happy End (2017) directed by Michael Haneke

The questions asked in each focus groups covered the meanings people read or saw n the film clip, and how they made sense of the content of each film.

The focus groups were conducted by Dr. David Forrest, Dr. Peter Merrington, Helen Rana, and Dr. Matthew Hanchard. All film-elicitation focus group transcripts were analysed through an applied thematic analysis by Dr. Matthew Hanchard, Dr. Peter Merrington, and Dr. David Forrest using the qualitative coding scheme from the audience member interviews (discussed above) a baseline set of codes.

Please cite this dataset as:

Forrest, D., Merrington, P., Hanchard, M. , Higson, A., Pidd, M., Townsend, N., Smits, R., Wessels, B. and Yates, S. (2019). Beyond the Multiplex - Film Elicitation. University of Glasgow: Enlighten. DOI: 10.5525/gla.researchdata.885